Saturday 2 July 2011

Über Spielplatz „Sherwood Forest“

Last weekend Tangential was sick and Maddyn needed a nap, so Jill and I decided to have a girls only outing towards our goal of visiting the Top10 Spielplätze. The day's adventure: the Sherwood Forest Über Spielplatz. Within very short walking distance of Savignyplatz s-bahn station--one of my favourite stations, with gorgeous decorations that I need to post about--it's in a bit more of an urban area than most, and with that comes the unfortunate Berlin graffiti. Apparently graffiti is very much debated here: a lot of people agree that graffiti is unsightly and should have harsher punishments, but others believe that it's a valid form of artistic expression and should be protected. I've personally seen some gorgeous graffiti here, including a Doctor Who theme on a wall and some very impressive pieces on trains, but a lot of it also seems to be tagging and English-language swear words in children's playgrounds. I'm getting more and more used to it, but there's so much more graffiti here than I recall seeing in Australia and it's still a very strange idea to me that it would be protected.

In front of the castle is a very cool climbing frame, a water feature, a play house for toddlers, and swings. I didn't quite see immediately why it was an Über Spielplatz until we went behind the castle. The whole area behind the castle just made the outing for Jill. The lovely metal slide, the ramparts, bridges, a climbing wall, and a lovely place under the castle where a fair number of the kids gathered to have a pretend tea party. The park has an unfortunate building site next to it, but it's still very green: lots of bushes, at the very least, to make it fantastical in the middle of the urban setting, and strategically placed rocks for the adults to sit on. I don't know about the other adults, but I had a lovely sit down with my book.

The climbing wall. Jill liked this one a bit more than Rapunzel's hair at the Märchen-Spielplatz, because it wasn't quite as high and scary, but I think they're both fabulous.

I'm collecting a lovely number of photos of the carved statues in the parks here.

I don't know if you can see it clearly, but what looks like an F there is actually a T. This is part of the climbing structure at the front of the park.

All in all, I'd definitely go there again. There's also a very cool flying fox (adventure swing) that connects the castle with the climbing frame at the front of the park, and I think the kids could easily spend hours there.

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