Thursday, 23 June 2011

Naked man park

We have been busy lately going to festivals with the Musician neighbours. They're so lovely, and very keen to show off Berlin.

The first festival we went to was the Peruvian festival. Alas instead of the outdoor festival we were all expecting it had been downsized to a large apartment with a few tables in a hallway for food and some Spanish karaoke. Oh, and some gorgeous artwork, which I wasn't quite sure if I should photograph so I didn't. We left quite quickly, went a-walking with the children, and popped into an American diner. I'm amused by the number of American diners here--I suppose I'm used to them in Australia, but American foods and the like aren't really as embraced over here (as opposed to the McDonalds on every corner that I'm used to). All of the kids at the table used the e-coli scare to carefully pick all of the salad from their plates, but it was generally quite delicious.

After lunch we went walking again--past little poles with beads decorating them!-- to a park. To access to the park one has to walk through the grounds of a gorgeous church. I left the kids playing with the others and went back to take a photo of the church only to find myself, camera out, in the middle of a park full of naked men. I'm getting more and more used to the idea of naked sunbathing here, and I think the idea is quite excellent, but I never expected to see naked sunbathing a) quite that close to a playground, nor b) in front of a church!
With the eyes of a dozen men on me and my camera I hastily angled the camera up, pointed, and took the photo as quickly as I could. Then I fled.

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