Monday 9 May 2011


Yesterday was my first mother's day in Berlin. Jill had come home from school on Friday to slyly ask me for hints on a hiding place, "But somewhere you won't look." I let her know that her jumpers drawer might be a good choice. Later I would go on to give her even better advice: that it's generally a good idea to close a drawer after hiding something in it.

I got a wee sleep in on Mother's Day, and the obligatory breakfast in bed. My eggs were a tad cold, because the kids insisted I open my presents the moment the food arrived, but I was greeted very sweetly by the kids calling out to me in unison. Jill beamed, "Happy mothers day Muttertag, mama!" Another new German word for the dear girl. Maddyn, not quite understanding the concept, piped up, "Happy birthday!"

Maddyn tried to steal my eggs, Jill got herself some toast and did her best to spread crumbs over daddy's side of the bed (that's my girl--keep them off my side!), and I got some cuddles. Maddyn asked why it was a happy mothers day, and I tried to explain. "It's because I do all sorts of things, like make sure you wash your hair, make sure you've got clothes even if you don't wear them, and for all those times I've had to help you pee against a tree. But mostly because you love me."

He looked at me with big eyes, then slowly shook his head. "No I don't!" he chirped. I reminded him that it's not nice to say horrid things to me on mothers day. He gave me a repentant look and recited, "I do love you, mama. I'm your best friend." Suck up.

We then sat down to work out time zones, which still don't come very naturally to me, and made five calls using three different methods of calling. Tangential was so worn out he needed a nap, so I let myself into the basement to officially receive the mothers day present (my bike) that we bought last month so I could take the kids out on their bikes more often. Maddyn and I had gone riding on Friday while Jill was at school and he was desperate to show his sister a particular street which had, on Friday, been full of horse trailers. By lucky coincidence the horse trailers were back on Sunday, and the kids hid behind some bushes like mini, bike-mounted paparazzi and watched part of a horse show.

All in all it was quite a lovely day, even if it does make for a bit of a boring post (sorry!). Oh, but I can't forget to mention: our doorbell rang when we were setting out a mothers day dinner of mystery German smallgoods. It was the doctor's wife, from upstairs, who greeted me with a bouquet of purple and white flowers and a beautifully rehearsed, "From my garden to your home." How perfectly lovely! I was so surprised I mangled my schön, but I did manage to thank her. I should like to have her over for tea, though goodness only knows what we'd talk about. Thanks to my phrase of the week I can now say, 'I kill you!' in Deutsch. Great for role playing with the kids, I'm sure, but I'd probably ought to work on things I can say to the neighbours.

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