As I said in the previous post, Savignyplatz s-bahn station is my favourite s-bahn station. Sure there are other, bigger ones, but this one is such a pleasure to ride through or even wait for a train on. We've been here a few times for spielplatz visits, a festival nearby, and of course a trip to the
Schwarzes Cafe, home of the most
must-see toilets in Berlin! That and it's easier to change trains if you're going far enough west and you happen to get on a train that terminates at Charlottenburg station (which has a layout that I can't quite get my head around).

A lot of the stations in Berlin are decorated with various themes. I still need to take the camera to the Rathaus Spandau u-bahn station, but at least of the stations I've visited I've noticed that the u-bahn stations are a fair bit more likely to be decorated than the s-bahn stations. In contrast, the s-bahn stations are more likely to be modernised. A fair number of them have lifts, for example, even if the lifts are often broken. A word to the wise: if you're going to take advantage of the ridiculously cheap monthly bike tickets with your kids, make sure you can carry more than one bike at a time. One lovely Berliner helped me carry Jill's bike through Zoo Gartens, but sometimes getting around with our bikes resembles that old logic problem of having a boat that will fit three when you need to get a cat, a dog, and a chicken across the river but you can't leave the cat and the dog or the cat and the chicken together alone.

More graffiti, more art.

Der Baum - the tree.

Even quotes!

I really like the Theodor Heuss quote, though I'm not quite game to translate it for you. They have an u-bahn station named after him.

Yet more quotes. :)

Finally, a rose. It may seem silly to be so attached to a train station, but I think it's really lovely.
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