A post about our little green thumb now. Grampa gave Jill fifty euros for her eighth birthday and she used that and a bit of her pocket money to buy a garden!
Facebook people might remember her little garden:

The flower pot.

The strawberries.
Suffice to say that a lot has happened since April!

We have strawberries now!

All of the flowers have bloomed, and the two tiny strawberry seedlings have turned into five plants and so many runners we've had to chop some off. We've also got two running plants over the edge of the balcony, one of which flowered this week.

Tangential's brother also sent Jill some birthday money, part of which also went towards the garden. On an Ikea mission to find some toy storage for Maddyn, Jill found these and some gorgeous, colourful pots.

This and a third plant found our sunny balcony a little too much, so that one now lives on our kitchen table and the yellow flowers on our coffee table. They get sun through the window, but not so much that they have to droop.

A bonus for me! I went to brunch with a friend for my birthday and she bought me this beautiful plant! I picked up a matching Ikea pot for myself. Isn't it lovely?

Lastly, an outdoor shot. Somebody--possibly the doctor or his wife upstairs who love to garden--planted red and white roses out by our front door. I got to see this lovely flower open gorgeously for quite some time, until it was unfortunately damaged and somebody took it away. The path to our front door is lined with roses and pretty yellow flowers.
Our friend Amy also brought Jill some sunflowers and some other flowers that weren't thriving on her balcony, and helped Jill plant them in the yard. We have our first sunflower bud now, so I should share photos of that when it blooms.
I must confess I don't know very much about gardening, but nearly all of the balconies in our area have rows of long pots with flowers and it makes for a gorgeous sight. It might seem silly, but the flowers everywhere is just another reason why Berlin is such a lovely place to live. The kids also think it's great to be able to walk out to the balcony and pick a strawberry or two to eat, and the guests we've had here seem thrilled to be offered home-grown strawberries. It makes me happy.
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